International Law
Mason Law Firm handles international legal matters.
What is an international legal matter? A case may involve international law because a person involved in a legal dispute is a resident of a foreign nation. International law may be involved because an accident or injury happened abroad. International law may be involved because money, stock or other assets have been located offshore to avoid being seized by persons or businesses with claims or judgments.
Mason Law Firm has handled international legal matters in Italy, Monaco, Luxembourg, The Bahamas, The British Virgin Islands, Scotland, London and Belgium, to name a few.
Examples of international law cases Mason Law Firm has handled are:
- Mason Law Firm recovered a record sum from an Italian insurance company in a case involving the wrongful death of a service member stationed in Italy.
- Mason Law Firm counseled the widow of a building contractor killed in a motorcycle accident in The Bahamas.
- Mason Law Firm advised the parents of a child seriously injured in a jet-ski accident while on vacation in The Bahamas.
- Mason Law Firm secured the assets of a foreign trust being used by a dishonest husband to hide money from his wife in a divorce case.
- Mason Law Firm assisted a development company in obtaining title to foreign real estate and permits necessary to accomplish a resort development.
- Mason Law Firm represented an international powerboat brokerage company in a maritime case involving foreign nationals from Finland and Norway.
Attorneys and staff at Mason Law Firm are fluent in French, Polish and Arabic.
Mason Law Firm attorney Salah Hibri speaks fluent Arabic and French and handles legal matters involving foreign nationals.
International legal matters require a broad array of talents that often call for the coordination of a multinational legal team. This is what we do.
We go anywhere in the world we need to go to get the job done for our clients.
If you have an international legal matter, contact Mason Law Firm for a free consultation.